Leary, Timothy Francis. Chaos & Cyber Culture.

Ed. Michael Horowitz, Vicki Marshall, with guest appearances by William Gibson …et al. Berkeley: Ronin Pub., 1994.

Book includes a conversation with Gibson about Neuromancer, as well as a chapter section entitled “William Gibson: Quark of the Decade.” (more…)

Kneale, James. “Thinking and Writing the Virtual: the Virtual Realities of Technology and Fiction: Reading William Gibson’s Cyberspace.”

Virtual Geographies: Bodies, Space, and Relations. Ed. Mike Crang, Phil Crang, and Jon May. New York: Routledge, 1999.

Article discusses Gibson’s work in the context of the technology of virtual reality.

Kirschenbaum, Matthew G. “Materiality and Matter and Stuff: What Virtual Texts are Made Of.”

EBR 12 (2002). Retrieved 31 Aug. 2005. http://www.altx.com/ebr/riposte/rip12/rip12kir.htm

This article discusses the role of materiality in electronic/digital texts. (more…)

Kirschenbaum, Matthew G. “Lines for a Virtual
T[y/o]pography: Electronic Essays on Artifice and Information.”

Diss. University of Virginia. Retrieved 31 Aug. 2005. http://www.iath.virginia.edu/~mgk3k/dissertation/main.html

Kirschenbaum’s dissertation about the nature of on-line texts and virtual reading practice; references to Agrippa in Works Cited.

Killheffer, Robert. “The Shape of Books to Come: a Collaborative Book Challenges Ideas about the Immortality of Art– ‘Agrippa: A Book of the Dead’ by William Gibson and Dennis Ashbaugh.”

Rev. of Agrippa: A Book of the Dead, by William Gibson. Omni Jan 1993: 14(1). Retrieved 30 September 2005. http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1430/is_n4_v15/ai_13304888

This article offers a substantial review of the book and its broadcast with commentary from Ashbaugh and Begos. (more…)

Killheffer, Robert. “Publishers Weekly Interviews — William Gibson.”

Publishers Weekly 6 Sept. 1993: 70-1.

Article offers a substantial interview with William Gibson, with particular emphasis on the evolution of the cyberpunk genre. (more…)

Jonas, Gerald. “The Disappearing $2,000 Book.”

New York Times 29 Aug. 1993: BR12.

A full-length discussion of the text including comments from Begos, Gibson and Ashbaugh. (more…)

Johnson, Brian D. “Gibson, William Ford” (Profile).

Maclean’s June 5, 1995. Accessed 31 August 2005.

Article offers straightforward biographical information about William Gibson. (more…)

Jirgens, Karl E. “A Quick Note on Swift Current: the World’s First E-Journal.”

OL3: open letter on lines online 2000. Retrieved 31 Aug. 2005. http://www.ubu.com/papers/ol/jirgens.html

Article references Agrippa in the context of digital publishing. (more…)

Jirgens, Karl E. “Gibson Satire Fights the Hype.”

Rev. of All Tomorrow’s Parties, by William Gibson. Eye Weekly 2 Dec. 1999. Retrieved 31 Aug. 2005. http://www.eye.net/eye/issue/issue_12.02.99/arts/books.html

This review of Gibson’s All Tomorrow’s Parties also references Agrippa. (more…)