Rapatzikou, Tatiani G. Gothic Motifs in the Fiction of William Gibson.

Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2004.

Ralls Collection.com. “About Dennis Ashbaugh.”

Retrieved 31 August 2005. http://www.rallscollection.com/bios/ashbaugh_bio.html

Ralls Collection offers biographical information about Dennis Ashbaugh, as well as 31 images of the artist’s mixed-media work.

Quittner, Josh. “When Art Resembles National Security” (Sidebar).

Newsday 16 June 1992. Retrieved 31 Aug. 2005. http://eserver.org/cyber/newsday.txt

News article about technologically-enabled texts, including Agrippa; also features a sidebar about the specific code used to generate Agrippa’s self-encrypting text. (more…)

Quittner, Josh. “Read Any Good Webs Lately?”

Newsday 16 June 1992. Retrieved 31 Aug. 2005: 63. http://eserver.org/cyber/newsday.txt

News article about technologically-enabled texts, including Agrippa; also features a sidebar about the specific code used to generate Agrippa‘s self-encrypting text. (more…)

Quittner, Joshua. “‘Webs’: Avant-Garde Storytelling On Computer.”

St Louis Post-Dispatch 24 June 1992: 1F.

Article discusses the expectations and considerations surrounding hypertext at the time of Agrippa‘s release, including comments from George Landow. (more…)

Neale, Mark, dir. No Maps for These Territories

DVD cover  DVD back cover

Perf. William Gibson. Mark Neale Productions, 2000.

DVD documentary video features William Gibson on a road trip across North America, starting from Los Angeles. U2’s Bono reads from Neuromancer, and Bruce Sterling and Jack Womack fade in and out of the car where Gibson carries on an extended interview while literally moving down the “information superhighway,” and also down strip roads and backstreets. (Website for documentary)

Martin, Guy. “Read It Once.”

Rev. of Agrippa: A Book of the Dead, by William Gibson. Esquire Magazine May 1992: 33.

Article provides a brief preview and review of the project, including a detailed description of the book itself. (more…)

McEneaney, John E. “Toward a Post-Critical Theory of Hypertext.”

Working Paper, 17 Dec. 1997. Retrieved 31 Aug. 2005. http://personalwebs.oakland.edu/~mceneane/nrc/conf97/nrc97ht5.pdf

This article discusses Agrippa in terms of an unconventional theory of hypertext that regards traditional print as more “hypertextual” than electronic text formats. (more…)

Lunenfeld, Peter. Snap to Grid. A User’s Guide to Digital Arts, Media, and Cultures.

Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2000.

A broad look at New Media in both its esoteric and more commericial manifestations. (more…)

Lowenthal, Alex. “A Tale of Three Futurists.”

Retrieved 31 Aug. 2005. http://www.soc.hawaii.edu/future/j7/LOWENTHAL.pdf

Article includes a biography of Gibson with a description of Agrippa. (more…)