Killheffer, Robert. “Publishers Weekly Interviews — William Gibson.”
Publishers Weekly 6 Sept. 1993: 70-1.
Article offers a substantial interview with William Gibson, with particular emphasis on the evolution of the cyberpunk genre.
“Inside a specially crafted oversized book illustrated with Ashbaugh’s evocative engravings is a 3 1/2-inch computer disk containing a long poem by Gibson addressing his feelings about his father, who died when the author was very young. The trick comes when you read the poem from the disk: an encryption program, functioning like a virus, devours the text, so you can read it only once. Published in a very expensive limited edition, Agrippa caused fierce argument in the art world and also among museums and libraries. The text’s disappearing act challenged ideas about the permanence of art and literature, and raised serious problems for archivists interested in preserving it for future generations.”