Center for Book “Dennis Ashbaugh.”

Retrieved 31 August 2005.

CBA site offers some brief biographical information about Dennis Ashbaugh. (more…)

Center for Book “Agrippa: (a book of the dead).”

Retrieved 31 Aug. 2005.

CBA site offers a description of Agrippa. (more…)

Cavallaro, Dani. Cyberpunk and Cyberculture: Science Fiction and the Work of William Gibson.

London: Athlone Press, 2000.

This book considers the expression and ramifications of cyberpunk, with special emphasis on William Gibson’s work, including Agrippa. (more…)

Calcutt, Andrew and Shephard, Richard. Cult Fiction: a Reader’s Guide.

Lincolnwood, IL: Contemporary Books, 1999.

This book includes a section on Gibson’s work and offers a brief biography of the author. (more…)

Bukatman, Scott. “Gibson’s Typewriter.”

South Atlantic Quarterly Fall (1993): 627-645.

Article considers Gibson’s use of the typewriter in the process of writing Neuromancer, paying particular attention to the ways in which representations of earlier machine culture anticipated representations of cyberculture. (more…)

Brummett, Barry. The World and How We Describe It: Rhetorics of Reality, Representation, Simulation.

Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2003.

Includes a chapter on “A Rhetoric of Reality in the Novels of William Gibson.” (more…)

Blade X (Ed.). “Agrippa—Book of the Dead.”

Cyberlicious 13 Feb. 1993. Retrieved 31 August 2005.

Cyberlicious offers a brief press release and review of Agrippa. (more…)

Bartorillo, Cindy (Ed.). “Random Access.”

Reading for Pleasure 23 June/Jul. 1992. Retrieved 31 August 2005.

This issue of Reading for Please features a brief press release about Agrippa. (more…)

Jillette, Penn. “Agrippa – One Shot to Download Dad.”

PC/Computing Sept 1992: 436(1)

Article offers a humorous review of Agrippa by the famed magician. (more…)

Brande, David. “The Business of Cyberpunk: Symbolic Economy and Ideology in William Gibson.”

Configurations 2.3 (1994): 509-536. Retrieved 31 Aug. 2005.

Article considers the representation of commerce in William Gibson’s sprawl trilogy, with particular emphasis on Neuromancer. (more…)