
Early or unique prototypes, mock-ups, and prospectuses for Agrippa (a book of the dead)

First Mock-Up of Agrippa (Jan.-Feb. 1992)

First Mockup of Agrippa Item #A9. Promotional mock-up of Agrippa (a book of the dead), created January-February, 1992.

Facsimile Image
Variant photo (with box-case)

The mock-up was made by artificially distressing a used book (not the eventual Agrippa) and cutting a cavity into its back pages to hold a disk labeled “AGRIPPA.” The mock-up lacks Dennis Ashbaugh’s etchings, and features the text of some old used book (not the DNA sequence text of the final editions of Agrippa).

First Mock-Up of Agrippa (Jan.-Feb. 1992)

Picture of AgrippaItem #A9 (variant photo, with box-case). Promotional “mock-up” of Agrippa (a book of the dead).

Facsimile Image
Variant photo (without box-case)