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Chollet, Laurence. “It’s the Story You Just Can’t Forget This Book Is Read on a Computer – And One Time Only.” Record (New Jersey), May 17, 1992
This piece is useful both in its discussion of the genesis of the project, apparently from a chance meeting at an art and technology fair in Barcelona, Spain, and for some interesting comments from Gibson on the nature of the book. “The project can be read on many levels, but it’s designed to comment specifically on how art, commerce, and time distort personal memory.”
Chollet, Laurence. “A Story that Fades in Time,” Record (New Jersey), December 13, 1992.
Short discussion of the “reading” of “Agrippa” broadcast around the country in 1992. This one occurring in Manhattan. The work was also read aloud by Penn Jillette.
Quittner, Joshua. “‘Webs’: Avant-Garde Storytelling On Computer,” St Louis Post-Dispatch, June 24, 1992.
Although there isn’t as much specifically on “Agrippa” here, it does nicely lay out the hypertext landscape into which the work was received. Includes quotes by Landow, and hitech jargon that, as far as I am aware, never seems to have caught on (like the term ‘webs’ in the headline).
Von Ziegesar, Peter. “You Can Read This Book Only Once,” Kansas City Star, December 11, 1992.
Description of an exhibition at the Kansas City Art Institute organized around the “Agrippa” broadcast. “Gibson’s hardboiled, yet occasionally sensitive, reminiscences of shooting pistols and hanging around the bus station in Wheeling, W.Va., bore little resemblance to the mind-boggling permutations of memory and chromosome common to his science fiction.”.
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