Letter from Kevin Begos to Chris Farley at USA Today (8 April 1992)
(Item #D14) (transcription)
Fax to 703 558 4687
Att: Chris Farley
P. 1 of 4
Dear Chris:
Thanks for your interest in Agrippa. This will give you some background on the project.
I’ve noticed, as the first few articles come out, that some of them (like Vanity Fair) have missed the real point of this project – which is questioning and experimenting with forms of controlling and “publishing” information. I don’t know if you saw the small mention in Entertainment Weekly, but Gibson had a good one liner – “The whole piece is an investigation of the nature of the ownership of information.”
I will elaborate on that with some details in the press pack that comes to Fed X, but my point, which we got into a little on the phone, is that this is not really a “book”. What it is, I don’t quite know.
I first real article on Agrippa will be in the May issue of Esquire, out on stands this saturday, I think.
I look forward to talking more. Thanks again.
Kevin Begos Jr.