Letter from Kevin Begos to Nick Despotopoulis at Apple Computer (24 July 1992)
(Item #D41) (transcription)
Mr. Nick Despotopoulis
Apple Computer
2400 Stevens Creek Blvd.
Cupertino, CA 95014
Dear Nick:
Thank you for calling and offering your help with Agrippa. I thought the first step would be to send you this batch of press, which, of course, contains many errors. But overall it gives a decent picture.
I feel that this is really an electronic “first”, in that a writer of Gibson’s stature has chosen an electronic form as not only the first, but the only, way to experience a story. He has agreed that the story will not be available in any paper form for several years.
If you could pass this info. along to interested people there, we are open to any suggestions. The “transmission” of the story we plan for the fall still has many technical unknowns, as does the marketing of the whole project. But I expect an even bigger surge of press in Sept./Oct., as the transmission gets closer. The San Fran. NBC affiliate is planning a spot on evening news once we ship to the Bay area, and I believe the Chronice [sic] is going to run a Sun. magazine feature tracking who buys Agrippa and when they play it.
The t-shirt was really made just for people involved in the project, but we are considering doing more. The logo, by the way, is from the family photo album that Gibson’s grandfather had. The brand name was “Agrippa”, and the family history in that album is the inspiration for this new Gibson story.
Best wishes,
[signed;] Kevin Begos
Kevin Begos Jr.